Page 34 - Building Regulation and Design Guidelines - Structural (Grey Code)
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                              be permitted as an alternative method of estimating wind loads.                         following information (Wherever is applicable):
                              Wind velocity shall reflect historic wind record for the respected
                              site. The wind loads resulting from wind tunnel test shall satisfy                      1.   Description of the site: Location, BU name, plot number,
                              the requirements of ASCE 7.                                                                 project ID, etc
                                                                                                                     2.   Description of building: Building size, height, basements,
                    2.4.4   DESIGN CODES                                                                                  podium floors, typical floors, setbacks, floors use, etc
                          1.   BS 8110 “Structural Use of Concrete” is accepted only for structures                  3.   Description of structure: Foundation type, vertical
                              where the seismic forces are not governing the design.                                      members, lateral forces resisting system, floor slabs
                          2.   ACI 318: ‘Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete’                              scheme, building separations, etc
                          3.   ACI Manual of Concrete Practice – the latest edition.                                 4.   Applied standards in loading and design.
                          4.   AISC 360                                                                              5.   Materials properties: Concrete & reinforcement grades,
                          5.   UBC 1997, Volume 2, ‘Structural Engineering Design Provisions’                             modulus of elasticity, shear modulus, density of block
                                                                                                                          works, etc
                          6.   BS 8004 “Foundations” is accepted only for foundations where the
                              seismic forces are not governing the design.                                           6.   Fire resistance requirements: Fire rating, concrete cover to
                                                                                                                          reinforcement, minimum reinforcement, etc
                          7.   BS 5950 “Structural Use of Steel Works in Buildings” is accepted
                              only for steel works where the seismic forces are not governing                        7.   Durability requirements: Design life of the structure,
                              the design.                                                                                 concrete quality for sub and super structure, minimum
                          8.   BS 8007: ‘Design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous                              cover to reinforcement, protection measures for concrete
                              liquids’                                                                                    below and above ground, crack width & deflection control.
                          9.   BS 5628: ‘Code of Practice for Use of Masonry’                                        8.   Robustness requirements as per relevant standards.
                         10.   IBC ‘International Building Code’, excluding seismic design                           9.   Damping: Proposed damping value for seismic design,
                              provisions.                                                                                 damping value for wind loading and occupancy comfort
                          11.   BS 8500 “Concrete – Complementary British Standard to BS EN
                              206” is accepted for concrete mix design.                                              10.   Analysis and design Software,  spreadsheets used for
                                                                                                                          design or/and verification, etc
               2.5   PERFORMANCE CRITERIA                                                                            11.    Detailed calculations shall include:
                     The following modelling and design criteria shall be followed.
                                                                                                                           a.   Gravity loads correspond to different floors.
                     2.5.1   DESIGN LIFE                                                                                   b.   Basic seismic parameters estimate.
                         1.   Unless otherwise specified, 50 year design life of the structure shall
                              be adopted.                                                                                  c.   Weight of the building for seismic calculations.
                                                                                                                           d.   Static base shear.
                          REQUUIREMENTS                                                                                    e.   Vertical component of seismic loads.
                  STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN                                                          f.   Discontinuity and vertical irregularity considerations.
                                The designer shall submit detailed design criteria as well as                              g.   Accidental torsion calculations.
                                design assumptions and should contain at minimum, the                                      h.   Directional effect of seismic loads.

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