Page 29 - Building Regulation and Design Guidelines - Structural (Grey Code)
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                     q)   Guide wall should be used to improve the lateral tolerance of the shoring             e)   Piles shall be designed with a minimum safety factor of 2.5.
                         systems execution.
                                                                                                                f)   Uplift capacity of single pile is normally less than the friction capacity
                     r)   Loose- to medium – dense sands may undergo liquefaction during an                        in compression (Poisson’s effect), and hence shall be taken not
                         earthquake. The depth of potential liquefaction should be assessed for the                greater than 0.7 of the friction capacity estimated for compressive
                         earthquake conciliations appropriate to the site. It may be necessary to                  capacity.
                         carry the foundation of the retaining wall below the liquefaction zone, or
                         compact the soil within the zone using deep vibro compaction (Seed H.B.                g)   Considering horizontal force and bending moment resulting from out
                                                                                                                   of position by 75 mm in horizontal direction at working level, and
                         et al (1983) and Ishihara (1993). BS 8002: 1994, Section
                                                                                                                   out of the plump (verticality) by 1:75 according to BS 8004: 1986,
                     s)   In shallow excavations or structures built adjacent to a tidal waterfront area,          Section  7.1 and  Where  the pile head is fully restrained
                         piping or uplift may occur due to water pressure differences generated by                 by tie beams, pile caps or raft, the contribution of the restraining
                         tidal action. Structures should be checked against instability from these                 system shall be considered to the favour of pile design.
                                                                                                                h)   Considering lateral load acting on pile as resulted from super
                     t)   The normal tolerances in the formation of close bored pile walls should                  structure analysis and shall be in the order of 5 % of the pile capacity
                         be maximum 1 in 75 to 1 in 100 for verticality and 50 mm for lateral plan                 at least.
                         tolerances measured at right angles to the line of the wall. (BS 8002: 1994,           i)   Elastic analysis to obtain the lateral straining actions using (Reese
                                                                                                                   & Matlock).
                     u)   The required verticality tolerance for secant piles is normally of the order
                         of 1:200 and for positional tolerances of the order of 25 mm, where walls              j)   The stirrups of the pile shall be checked according to Table 3.8 of
                         have to be constructed in close proximity to other structures. (BS 8002:                  BS 8110, Part 1: 1997 and shall not be closer than 150 mm centres
                                                                                                                   to ensure proper placing of concrete as per BS 8004 : 1986, Section
                         1994, Section
                     v)   The safety and stability of nearby buildings and service should not be put
                         at risk.                                                                               k)   The length of steel bars anchored to the foundation to be according
                                                                                                                   to Table 3.27 of BS 8110, Part 1: 1997.
                                                                                                                l)   To  prevent  ingress  of  water and  aggressive  ground  water  from
               1.6   DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR BUILDING PILES                                                          penetrating the concrete, the design shall be carried out as per BS
                     1.6.1   DESIGN CRITERIA FOR PILING WORKS                                                      8102 Type B using BS 8007 considering 0.20 mm crack width. Crack
                                                                                                                   width for pure tension piles resisting uplift forces shall be limited to
                          a)   The  permissible  service  stress  should  not  exceed  25%  of  the                0.10 mm.
                              specified cube strength at 28 days as per BS 8004 : 1986, Section
                                                                                            m)   Settlement calculations under the working loads to be provided. The
                                                                                                                   expected value to be within 1% of the pile diameter.
                          b)   The ultimate axial load should not exceed the value of “N” given in
                              BS 8110, Part 1 : 1997, Section                                           n)   Assessment of pile group settlement shall be carried out by the
                                                                                                                   foundation design Engineer and shall be compared to acceptance
                          c)   The min. percentage of reinforcement for piles shall be 1% of the                   limits adopted for the project.
                              gross section area.
                                                                                                                o)   Pile skin friction in sand should be reduced by 50 % in case of using
                          d)   Pile bearing capacity calculations as per (Tomlinson’s Pile Design                  bentonite as drilling slurry.
                              and Construction Practice) as advised by BS 8004: 1986, Section                   p)   For friction piles the spacing should be not less than three times
                              4.5.3. The different types of soil and the nature of shaft resistance                the pile diameter, and not less than twice the pile diameter for end
                              when using bentonite, water or full length casing shall be taken into
                              consideration. Negative skin friction should be added to the applied                 bearing piles as per BS 8004: 1986, Section Piles spacing is
                                                                                                                   recomended to be minimum 2.5 times the pile diameter.
                              load in case of piles penetrating reclaimed soil.
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