Page 26 - Building Regulation and Design Guidelines - Structural (Grey Code)
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                                 cracking  and sand boils (Ishihara,  1985) is based  on the                  not pause a threat to the personnel working on site or cause any damage to
                                 thickness of the potentially liquefiable layer and the thickness             nearby existing buildings or roads. Fig. (1.33) shows the method statement
                                 of the non-liquefiable crust.                                                for contiguous, secant and soldier piles shoring systems.

                          1.4.4.c   Loss of bearing capacity for shallow foundation:
                                 As per the Implementation Committee, the loss of bearing
                                 capacity may be significantly occurred if the induced vertical                Installation of Casing     Augering of Borehole Concreting of Borehole
                                 stresses on liquefiable layer located at certain depth exceeds
                                 10% of the bearing pressure imposed by the foundation. There
                                 is no recognized analytical method to evaluate the loss of
                                 bearing capacity at this time.
                                 The Committee recommends that Ishihara’s method of surface
                                 manifestation analysis to be used for shallow foundations.

                          1.4.4.d   Loss of lateral soil stiffness:
                                 Loss of lateral soil stiffness has a greater impact on the design
                                 of piling and shoring works. The negative skin friction for the
                                 untreated fill layer shall be considered in determination of                          Fig. (1.33-a). Contiguous Piles Shoring System
                                 the pile capacity. The pile shall be considered unconstrained
                                 along the untreated layer in both vertical and lateral analysis.
                                 Lateral load to be considered due to ground motion from an
                                 earthquake of a=0.225g at ground level or 0.15g at cap rock
                                                                                                                                           Augering of Secondary Borehole
                                                                                                                    Installation of Casing      Concreting of Secondary Borehole
                          1.4.4.e   Lateral spreading or land sliding:
                                 Such spreads can occur on gently sloping ground or where
                                 nearby drainage or stream channel can lead to static shear
                                 biases on essentially horizontal ground (Youd, 1995).
                                                                                                             of Guide wall
                     1.4.5   LATERAL EXTEND OF GROUND IMPROVEMENT
                          To mitigate the liquefaction hazards, the treatment of the fill material
                          shall be extended laterally by two-thirds the liquefiable layer thickness
                          beyond the whole building foundation limits, (Lai 1988).
                                                                                                                        Fig. (1.33-b): Secant Piles Shoring System
               1.5   SHORING GUIDELINES

                     a)   For neighbouring shallow foundation or for excavations deeper than 1.50
                         m, suitable side protection have to be ensured so that the excavation shall

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