Page 31 - Building Regulation and Design Guidelines - Structural (Grey Code)
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                          d)   Before Installing steal cage and casting concrete when reaching                     load. ASTM D 4945-89.
                              the pile toe level, loose and remolded material and debris will be
                              removed with the drilling or cleaning bucket.                                     d)   10% of the total number of working piles shall be tested using cross-
                                                                                                                   hole sonic core logging test method for piles of diameter equal or
                          e)   High slump concrete of specified grade should be used according to                  more than 600mm. ASTM D 6760-08.
                              Table 14 of BS 8004 : 1986
                                                                                                                e)   100 % of working piles shall be tested by using low strain dynamic
                          f)   For a continuous assurance of concrete quality and integrity,                       integrity test and shall be repeated for piles statically tested. ASTM
                              concrete should be poured to minimum 1.50 m above the theoretical                    D 5882-07.
                              pile cut-off level.
                                                                                                                f)   The following procedure shall be followed for particular tests
                          g)   Casting of piles shall be performed as a continuous operation. The                  whenever are required by the project specification or design
                              concrete should be designed to remain workable for a minimum of                      conditions:
                              three hours from the time of the batching to the time of placement
                              into the pile.                                                                        -   Pile instrumentation test should be performed on tested pile(s).
                                                                                                                       The test shall be performed at the time of static load test for
                          h)   The  concrete  shall  be  placed  by  tremie  tube  method;  the  tube                  piles of diameters 1000 mm or more.
                              diameter. shall not be less than 150 mm. The tube shall be inserted
                              at the centre of the pile to reach the toe. The top shall be connected                -   Static laterally loaded piles test should be conducted where the
                              to a funnel. The concrete shall be delivered directly from the transit                   lateral loads governing the design.
                              mixer to the funnel. The tube to be lifted 100 mm above pile toe                      -   Static tension pile test should be conducted where tension
                              level prior to concreting. While concreting, the length of the tube to                   piles are used to resist uplift.
                              be shortened if necessary but shall be maintained always into the
                              concrete of at least 2.0 m length.                                                    -   10 % of working piles boreholes and all preliminary & statically
                                                                                                                       tested working piles are to be selected randomly and tested by
                          i)   Continuous supervision on site by engineer and the contractor is                        mechanical calliper logging (ASTM D 6167 – 11 & ASTM D 5753
                              always necessary to ensure that the piles are properly executed.                         – 95e1).
                          j)   Care to be taken to ensure that there will be no displacement or                     -   Steel reinforcement and concrete strength and durability shall
                              distortion of reinforcement during the formation of the pile.                            be tested as per QC Guidelines.

                     1.6.3   PILES TESTING

                          Piles testing shall conform to the following minimum requirements:
                          a)   At least one for each pile diameter, non-working pile shall be tested,
                              to 200% of the pile’s working load. BS 8004:1986, Section 7.5.5 or
                              ASTM D 1143/1143M. Osterberg cell can be accepted only in the
                              preliminary test.
                          b)   1 % of the total number of working piles and minimum one test for
                              each pile diameter/type shall be statically tested to not less than
                              150 % of the pile’s working load, BS 8004:1986, Section 7.5.5 or
                              ASTM D 1143-89.
                          c)   5 % of the total number of working piles shall be tested using high
                              strain dynamic method to not less than 150 % of the pile’s working

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