Page 35 - Building Regulation and Design Guidelines - Structural (Grey Code)
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i. Scale factors calculations. 5. Appropriately set-up auto-meshing could be used for
regular rectangular buildings. Care should be given to
j. Interconnection requirements
connectivity and meshing constraints.
k. Wind loads parameters and coefficients or wind 6. The computer model of concrete buildings shall be
tunnel study report. analyzed considering realistic base restraint conditions
l. Basic load combinations for ultimate and service for cores, shear walls and columns. Adopted boundary
states design. conditions shall be reflected in the design and detailing of
sub and super-structure members.
12. Extracts from analysis outputs: Modal mass participation
ratios, tension stresses in shear/core walls and modifiers 7. Modulus of elasticity shall be calculated as per the code
corrections, wind tunnel and code forces comparison, total governing the design. Modulus of elasticity of high
and inter-story drifts calculations, vibration acceleration strength concrete shall be determined as per ACI-363 –
calculations, deflections and crack control calculations. Equations 6.1 to 6.8.
13. Software analyzed computer models conducted as per 8. The analyzed computer model shall be free from any major
CED’s requirements. warnings or errors.
9. Section modifiers shall be applied as per clause
14. If applicable, third party report confirming the full
compliance of the submitted design documents with of UBC-97. For transfer elements, the section modifiers
shall be taken = 1.
the design provisions of the applicable codes and CED’s
design guidelines. The report shall be conducted as per 10. Soil profile type and other seismic parameters used
the relevant CED’s guidelines and requirements. in seismic analysis shall be as recommended in the
geotechnical investigation report. COMPUTER MODELS
11. Iterative method of estimating P-Delta effect shall be
1. The 3D model should reflect the actual geometry of the considered in the analysis of buildings as requested by
structure / building and shall be in full compliance with clause 1630.1.3 of UBC 1997. Minimum of 3 iterations shall
the design criteria and assumption. be used.
2. The finite elements meshing shall appropriate to software 12. Structures and buildings shall be analyzed by employing
used for analysis. The designer shall ensure that the Response Spectrum Analysis in full compliance with UBC
analysis results are not affected by the quality of meshing. 1997.
3. The computer model shall have proper meshing of slab 13. Tall buildings and other structures with structural system
and wall elements. For walls and slabs. The meshing sensitive to construction sequence shall be investigated
should have rectangular bias with elements of aspect for the effects of construction sequence on internal load
ratio not exceeding 2:1. Where openings are provided in distribution.
the slab or wall elements, the mesh nodes shall be located 14. The design seismic case shall consist of combination of
at the corners of openings. two orthogonal excitation directions combined on the
4. The designer shall ensure proper connectivity for slab SRSS basis as requested by clause 1633 of UBC 1997.
elements (Joints/Corner of one element should not be 15. Seismic ductility factor shall be considered as per the
connected to edge of other element, unless appropriate structural lateral resisting system definition, UBC 1997,
calibration analysis is submitted with the model). The Clause 1629.6. Design of moment resisting frame system
mesh shall also have proper connectivity with columns shall satisfy the requirements of clauses 1626 & 1921.8,
and walls elements. UBC1997.
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