Page 38 - Building Regulation and Design Guidelines - Structural (Grey Code)
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                         joint framing connection details shall be as per the requirements of                      concrete specifications for all exposure conditions, specifications
                         relevant approved codes. The reversal of stresses in structural members                   of other concrete types if used, concrete grades of reinforcement,
                         shall also be taken into account and proper detailing to be made along                    concrete cover to reinforcement, concrete protection. Materials
                         with supporting calculations.                                                             information shall comply with QA & QC guidelines.
                                                                                                               e.   Design criteria of any other unconventional slab system, if applicable.
               2.7   STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS
                                                                                                           2.   Column Axes plan Drawings:
                     The Structural Drawings shall generally include but not limited to the following
                     information:                                                                              Column/ walls axes plan showing the reduction in column/wall sizes. All
                                                                                                               columns/walls shall have grid markings. Grid lines in structural drawings
                     1.   General Notes drawings containing the following details:                             shall match with architectural drawings.
                         a.   Standard abbreviation and symbols.                                           3.   Foundation Drawings:
                         b.   Reference to Soil Investigation Report indicating the safe bearing               Plot limit line is to be marked in the foundation plan. The Piled Raft / Raft
                             capacity, depth of foundation, soil improvement, number of floors                 foundations drawings shall contain general arrangement showing plan,
                             for which foundation has been designed. The number of floors shall                sectional elevations with levels, Reinforcement plan showing top and
                             comply with approved architect concept drawings.                                  bottom  steel,  extra  top  and  extra  bottom  steel and any  shear  resisting
                                                                                                               reinforcement as per design requirements. Sections shall be drawn
                         c.   General information and details shall include:
                                                                                                               through lift pits, drain sumps and pour strips showing the arrangement of
                             1.   Details of water proofing systems.                                           reinforcement. The foundation drawings shall also show starter bars for
                                                                                                               columns/walls  as per  design  requirements.  Arrangements and  sections
                             2.   Earthworks and dewatering instructions.
                                                                                                               details of movement, settlement joints as well as water stoppers details to
                             3.   Strength, density of block works, blocks works construction                  be provided, if applicable.
                                 details and construction sequences.
                                                                                                           4.   Floors Slab Drawings:
                             4.   Typical details of RC connections.                                           General arrangement showing the thicknesses of slabs, openings inslab
                             5.   Typical reinforcement curtailment/arrangement of columns,                    and their sizes, floor levels etc are to be submitted. Reinforcement details
                                 slabs, beams, floating slabs, manholes and water tanks typical                are to be drawn in plan and as well as in typical sections. Extra top and
                                 details.                                                                      bottom reinforcement and shear resisting steel shall be properly detailed.
                                                                                                               In case of Post Tensioned /Hollow Core Slabs, drawings shall be prepared
                             6.   Standard lintel details.                                                     by specialist consultants having the necessary valid Trade license. The
                             7.   Construction and movement joints details.                                    specialist drawings shall be reviewed with the relevant calculation, signed
                                                                                                               and stamped prior to submission to CED. All specialist documents shall be
                             8.   Mechanical pipes penetration details, extra reinforcement                    passed to CED under the lead consultant covering letter.
                                 around openings, trenches, cable trays and transformers base
                                 details.                                                                  5.   Beams reinforcement drawings:
                                                                                                               Schedule for beam sizes and reinforcement with adequate sections are
                             9.   Details of inserts to concrete, holding down bolts, plinths and              to be submitted. The amount and location of longitudinal reinforcement,
                                 up stands/down stands elements.                                               stirrups, side bars, torsional bars as well as sectional details of the special

                            10.   Loads considered in design of different floors, mechanical                   beams, parapets, corbels, connections wherever is necessary to be
                                 floors, transformer & LV room area, chillers and compressor                   provided.
                                 areas, etc                                                                6.   Columns, Shear walls and Core walls:
                         d.   Fire resistance rating for different structural members, reinforced              General Arrangement drawings showing walls layout, thicknesses,

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