Page 37 - Building Regulation and Design Guidelines - Structural (Grey Code)
P. 37


                                    and 20 milli-g for office buildings. Damping ratio should              but not limited to the following:
                                    under no circumstances exceed 2.0% unless additional
                                    special damping devices are used. For buildings subject                1.   Index sheet with contents and page numbers.
                                    to coupled modes response, the torsional velocity due                  2.   An introduction containing the project ID and briefly outlining the
                                    to 10 years wind shall be limited to 3 milli-rad/s or as                   submission  purpose  together  with  the  list  of  drawings,  calculations,
                                    recommended with credible relevant reference.                              reports, etc.
                                5.   For buildings with irregular façade shapes and where                  3.   Design philosophy; reference Codes, complete design criteria and
                                    a potential noise expected to occur, the tonal noise                       assumptions for loads, height of building, number of floors, etc.
                                    generated as part of vortex shredding mechanism shall be
                                    properly addressed by wind specialist. The consultant and              4.   Column load calculations by area method & reaction method.
                                    the wind specialist are solely responsible to undertake the            5.   Stability analysis for wind and seismic loads including checking for
                                    necessary study and to propose any effective remedial                      allowable drifts. For wind induced accelerations, a check for human comfort
                                    measures to resolve the problem.                                           criteria is to be enclosed.
                                6.   Slabs & Beams shall be checked for long term deflection               6.   Loads on columns, shear walls including wind and seismic moments are to
                                    as per the code governing the design.                                      be marked in the copy of foundation layout for critical load cases.

                                7.   Slabs & Beams shall be checked for lateral forces impact.             7.   Serviceability checks for deflection, crack width to be included where
                                8.   Vibration and oscillation of building structures should
                                    be limited to avoid discomfort to users and damage to                  8.   Reinforcement calculations for beams, slabs, columns and shear walls. In
                                    contents. Reference to specialist literature shall be made                 case if design is done using software, sample pages are to be enclosed.
                                    as appropriate.
                                                                                                           9.   Soft copy of all the calculations copied in a CD as well as software models
                  SOFTWARE                                                                    shall be submitted. All software models shall be run and free of errors. At
                                                                                                               the time of joint review, the consultants shall bring a laptop PC installed
                                 The following commercial structural software packages are                     with the design software to check the building model. In case modelling
                                 commonly used structural design tools and are accepted by                     has been done using ETABS, SAFE, SAP, ROBOT, etc., consultant shall
                                 CED for structural analysis and design. Computer software not                 submit only extract pages in PDF format of selected important input and
                                 listed below shall be submitted for review and approval prior to              output data that may facilitate the review process.
                                 adopting in the design.
                                                                                                          10.    In case of specialised works such as post tensioned slabs, tent structures,
                                 Acceptable popular commercial structural software packages:                   large span timber structures, prefabricated steel structures, the structural
                                 ETABS, SAFE, SAP2000, ROBOT, STRAND, STAAD, PROKON.                           designs and drawings for these works shall carried out by specialised
                                                                                                               consultants having an approved valid trade licence from Dubai Municipality.
                  UNIT SYSTEM
                                                                                                               A copy of their Trade Licence needs to be enclosed. These drawings after
                                 All structural calculations, computer output, technical reports,              checked by consultant shall be stamped and signed by them and submitted
                                 specialist consultant recommendations and drawings shall                      to CED along with a guarantee letter stating that they have verified the
                                 be presented in SI unit system. All dimensions on structural                  designs of the specialist contractor and they take full responsibility for the
                                 drawings shall be presented in millimetres.                                   same.
                                                                                                          11.   Soil investigation report certifying all soil parameters conducted by an
               2.6   STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS                                                                   approved soil specialist agency as per CED’s geotechnical guidelines.
                     All calculations shall be submitted in soft copy in pdf format arranged in sequence   12.   To resist the Seismic loads, joint ductility, confinement of concrete and
                     according to the index sheet. The Structural Calculations shall generally include

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