Page 22 - Building Regulation and Design Guidelines - Structural (Grey Code)
P. 22


                          1.4.1.c   Soil Replacement
                                 Vibro-Replacement Stone Columns: Vibro-replacement stone
                                 columns, Fig. (1.25), improve the resistance of cohesionless
                                 soils to liquefaction by several mechanisms. The primary
                                 mechanism of treatment is the densification of the native soil.
                                 Secondary benefits may also come from the reinforcing effects
                                 of the stone columns (e.g.,. they are usually stiffer than the
                                 surrounding soil), an increase in the in-situ horizontal stress
                                 (e.g., due to the packing of stone in the column), and the
                                 drainage of earthquakeinduced pore water pressures through
                                 the stone columns.
                                 Vibro-displacement method uses compressed air to displace
                                 the soil laterally as a probe is advanced through the weak
                                 strata. Backfill is placed in to the hole in stages as the probe is
                                 incrementally withdrawn and lowered again to compact the fill.
                                 This process, also known as the ‘dry method’, forms a stone
                                 column. The columns are typically smaller in diameter than the                        Fig. (1.26): Deep Mixing (Soil Mixing) Technique
                                 ‘wet’ method and are used in the stiffer soils.
                                                                                                                       Typically, the reagent is delivered in a slurry form (i.e. combined
                                                                                                                       with water), although dry delivery is also possible. Depending
                                                                                                                       on the soil to be mixed, the volume of slurry necessary ranges
                                                                                                                       from 20 to 30 percent by volume. Can be a variety of materials
                                                                                                                       including: Cement (Type I through V), Fly ash, Ground Blast
                                                                                                                       Furnace Slag, Lime, Additives.
                                                                                                                       No single tool will be the best for all soil types and, for this
                                                                                                                       reason, mix tools are often developed for individual projects.
                                                                                                                       Considerations include: soil type and available turning
                                                                                                                       equipment, often designed for particular site conditions, size
                                                                                                                       ranges from 1.6 to 11.5-ft diameter, can be a combination of
                                                                                                                       partial flighting, mix blades, injection ports and nozzles, and
                                  Fig. (1.25): Vibro-replacement Stone Columns Technique                               shear blades. The in situ injection and mixing of cement into
                                                                                                                       weak soils is becoming more common. Recent applications
                                                                                                                       include liquefactionmitigation and the strengthening of weak
                          1.4.1.d   Soil Mixing
                                                                                                                       cohesive  soils adjacent  to  embankments, levees and bridge
                                 Soil Mixing, also known as the Deep Mixing Method, Fig.(1.26),                        abutments.
                                 is the mechanical blending of the in situ soil with cementitious
                                 materials  (reagent binder)  using  a hollow stem auger and                    1.4.1.e   Grouting
                                 paddle arrangement. The intent of the soil mixing program is
                                 to achieve improved character, generally a design compressive                         Grouting can stiffen and strengthen the soil layer by increasing
                                 strength or shear strength and/or permeability. Soil mixing                           its density, increasing the lateral stresses, and acting as
                                 can also be used to immobilize and/or fixate contaminants as                          reinforcement. Grouting may also be used to produce controlled
                                 well as a treatment system for chemical reduction to a more                           heaving of the ground surface to re-level a structure that has
                                 ‘friendly’ substrate.                                                                 been damaged by differential settlements.

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