Page 23 - Building Regulation and Design Guidelines - Structural (Grey Code)
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There are different procedures or methods of grouting, Fig. Cement Grouting, Fig. (1.29), also known as Slurry Grouting, is
(1.27), that can be classified as; permeation (cement or the intrusion under pressure of flowable particulate grouts into
chemical injection) grouting, compaction grouting, jet grouting. open cracks and voids and expanded fractures. Slurry Grout
Materials may be Cement, Clay (Bentonite), Sand, Additives,
Microfine Cement, Fly Ash, Lime and Water
Upper Water/
Air jet
Lower Grout
Hydrofracture Grouting Compoction Grouting Permeation Grouting Jet Grouting
(intrusion/Spliting) (Displacement) (Flow into (Portial Replacement/
Existing Pores) Mix in Place)
Fig. (1.27): Different procedures of Grouting Techniques
1.4.1.f Permeation Grouting
Structural chemical grouting is the permeation of sands with
fluid grouts to produce sandstone like masses to carry loads. Fig. (1.29): Cement Grouting (Slurry Grouting) Technique
Water control chemical grouting is the permeation of sands
with fluid grouts to completely fill void to control water flow. 1.4.1.g Compaction Grouting
Permeation grouting, Fig. (1.28) can be used for lagging
operation, support of footing, grouted tunnel support, grouted Compaction Grouting is the injection under relatively high pressure of
cut-off wall and grouted pipeline support. a very stiff, “zero slump” mortar grout to displace and compact soils in
place. The monitored injection of very stiff grout into a loose sandy soil
results in the controlled growth of a grout bulb mass that displaces the
surrounding soils as per Fig. (1.30). This action increases lateral earth
pressures and compacts the soil, thereby increasing its resistance to
For Lagging Operation Support of Footing Grouted Tunnel Support
Loose Stratum Loose Stratum Loose Stratum
Firm to medium Stratum Firm to medium Stratum Firm to medium Stratum
Pit Excavation Below Grouted Pipeline Support
Fig. (1.30): Compaction Grouting Technique
Fig. (1.28): Permeation Grouting Technique
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