Page 107 - Building Regulation Design Guidelines - Architecture Book (Blue Code)
P. 107


                12.4  FIRE-EScAPE ROUTES TO EXITS                                                   12.5  GLAZED ARcADES

                     12.4.1   Long corridors shall be sub-divided by fire/smoke doors if the             Glazed arcades are routes intended exclusively for pedestrians.
                            building is not completely sprinkler protected.                              Arcades can be of multiple uses (retail sales, mixed sectors etc.) therefore,
                                                                                                         facilities that will attract customers outside normal business hours should
                     12.4.2  Corridors must be enclosed  in fire resistant construction, in
                            which all doors are fire resistant, self-closing and fitted with             be encouraged.
                            smoke seals as per E.H.S. requirements.                                      No elements  shall  obstruct  pedestrian  movements  within  the arcade,
                                                                                                         which shall be continous in width and level with the adjacent building
                     12.4.3  Walls and ceilings shall not be lined with flammable materials.
                                                                                                         arcade.  Walkways shall follow the requirements for people with disability,
                     12.4.4  Escape corridors should not contain sources of ignition or                  which shall conform to the Authority’s related code.
                            obstructions to the flow of people (e.g. photocopiers and                    The Glazed arcade is a building type that is both interesting and popular
                            vending machines).  A minimum clear width of 1.0 meter shall be              in contemporary architecture. Arcades may be on a single level, slope
                            maintained.                                                                  gently to follow the contours of the site, or have a split-level arrangement

                     12.4.5  An interior corridor does not become part of an exit until it is            to change the walkway levels. (figure -38)
                            enclosed as a fire compartment.
                                                                                                                           Natural Lighting
                     12.4.6  The slope of a walking surface in the direction of travel shall not
                            exceed 5%.                                                                                                       Glazed
                     12.4.7  Walking surfaces shall be slip resistant under foreseeable
                            conditions. The walkway surface for egress shall be slip resistant.

                     12.4.8  Common corridors, dead end and travel distance limits by type of
                            occupancy and shall be as per E.H.S. regulations.

                                                                                                                   Retail                            Retail

                                                                                                                     Figure-38     Glazed Arcade Double-Level

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