Page 208 - Building Regulation Design Guidelines - Architecture Book (Blue Code)
P. 208


 19.1  GARBAGE ROOMS AND cOLLEcTION AREAS  19.1.4   In buildings with an area exceeding 180.0 square meters, garbage
                            rooms shall be provided as below table-26:
 19.1.1  All types of buildings shall be provided with a garbage collection
 point within the plot limits or a garbage room at the ground floor   Rubbish Amount   Room Accommodate below
 level of the building for garbage collection purposes.  (Kg)  Dumpsters Number

 19.1.2  The garbage room specifications are as follows:-
                                Up to 100    One Dumpster, 1.1 *(m3) Capacity.  It shall be located close to the adjacent road or alleyway,
 if there is  no service  route to facilitate  removing the   Up to 250  One Dumpster, 2.5 *(m3) Capacity
                                            Or Two Dumpsters 1.1 *(m3) each.
 containers and transporting them to the garbage
 collection vehicles.           Up to 500   Two Dumpsters, 2.5 *(m3) Capacity each.  It shall have a door with a minimum width of 1.8
 meter, rust proof with louvers or any other mechanical   Up to 750  Three Dumpsters, 2.5 *(m3) Capacity each.
 ventilation that opens outwards leading to the garbage   Up to 1,000   Four Dumpsters, 2.5 *(m3) Capacity each.
 loading area. (figure -80)
                                            The number of garbage rooms is decided  The minimum height of the garbage room shall be 2.4   according to special study requirements
 meters.                     More than 1,000  or calculating the same averages as
                                            above for half of the volume that exceeds  It shall have a water supply directly connected to the   1,000 Kg.
 network or from the distribution (pumping) tank.
                                Table-26   Garbage Room Size via Rubbish Amount  It shall be connected to the building’s drainage network.  It shall be provided with adequate lighting and ventilation   19.1.5   The standard measurements for the garbage room areas are as
 system.                    follows: (figure-80)  All windows shall be airtight and protected by a metal There should be at least 0.3 meter of clear space between
 mesh wire screen in order to prevent insects and rodents   the dumpsters and the wall of the garbage room.
 from getting into the room.
                    There should be at least 0.3 meter distance between  Floors and walls shall be ceramic tiles, for easy cleaning.  one dumpster and the other, on all directions.

 19.1.3   In buildings with an area less than 180.0 square meters, garbage There should be a minimum space of 0.6 meter between
 room of 1.2 x 1.8 meter with minimum door width of 0.9 meter,   the dumpster and the door location.
 automatic closing with mechanical ventilation shall be provided The minimum internal corridor width of the garbage room
 at the ground floor level only.
                                  shall be 1.2 meter.

                *m3 = cubic meters
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