Page 203 - Building Regulation Design Guidelines - Architecture Book (Blue Code)
P. 203

SEcTION: 18  SWIMMING POOL REQUIREMENTS                                             SEcTION: 18  SWIMMING POOL REQUIREMENTS

                18.8  LIGhTING, VENTILATION AND ELEcTRIcAL REQUIREMENTS                             18.11  GENERAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS

                     18.8.1   All indoor swimming pool equipment, rooms, bathhouses,                     18.11.1  An  appropriate  place  for  the  lifeguard’s  high  chair,  and  notice
                            dressing  rooms,  shower  rooms  and  toilet  spaces  shall  be                     boards with the guidelines and policies for the swimmers to
                            ventilated adequately either by natural or mechanical means, or                     follow, shall be provided.
                            by the combination of both.
                                                                                                         18.11.2  A signboard showing water depth shall be fitted at the pool’s
                     18.8.2   Swimming pools shall be provided with adequate lighting,                          edge and shall mark the location of slope changes showing the
                            both above and under the water surface in order to provide an                       maximum and minimum depth and the point at which the slope
                            adequate illumination for the overall area of the pool.                             changes.

                     18.8.3   Every electrical circuit shall be provided with earth leakage circuit      18.11.3  Provide an adequate number of life saving devices (rings, etc.)
                            breaker.                                                                            in the area. All details shall be as per the approval of E.H.S.

                18.9  SWIMMING POOL FAcILITIES
                     Swimming pools shall have adequate numbers of facilities depending on
                     the type,size and location of the swimming pool and shall be as per E.H.S.
                     requirements. A minimum one toilet, shower and changing room shall be
                     provided for each gender with privacy considerations, and changing rooms
                     shall not be less than 1.0 meter wide, 1.25 meter deep and 2.0 meters
                     Pools for public shall have showers and taps for washing feet at the rate
                     of one per 25.0 meters of pool perimeter and at a minimum of one of each
                     The requirements of people with disability should be provided for public
                     swimming pool such as lavatories, changing rooms, and ramps leading to
                     swimming deck and shall be as Authority related code.

                18.10  STANDARDS OF WATER
                     Swimming pools shall comply with all the requirements for health and
                     safety, such as:
                     18.10.1  Filtering and water circulation.
                     18.10.2  Purifying and sterilizing the water.

                     18.10.3   Other control procedures concerning public health and safety, to
                            be implemented during the design process and, at the operational

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