Page 199 - Building Regulation Design Guidelines - Architecture Book (Blue Code)
P. 199


                18.1  cONSTRUcTION MATERIALS                                                        18.4  SWIMMING POOL SYSTEMS (figure -77)
                     A swimming pool and its apparatuses shall be constructed of materials               18.4.1   Overflow Gutters: Over flow gutters extending completely around a
                     which are non- toxic to humans, inert, impervious, durable and shall be                    swimming pool, should be provided on all pools having water surface
                     capable of withstanding the design stresses of the particular swimming                     area of 380.0 square meters or more.
                     pool to be constructed, and a water-tight tank with a smooth, easily
                     cleanable surface shall be provided.                                                18.4.2   Surface Skimmers: Skimmers of an approved design are permitted
                                                                                                                in swimming pools having a water surface of less than 380.0 square
                     18.2.1   A swimming pool shall be constructed in such a shape and size, in
                            order to be safely patrolled and to provide good circulation of water.
                                                                                                                                    0.2 - 0.34 m
                     18.2.2   Swimming pools shall be designed and constructed to withstand
                            the anticipated structural load when full or empty, and that the
                            design and materials used shall be in accordance with generally
                            accepted good structural engineering practices.

                18.3  FENcES AND ENcLOSURES                                                                                       Overflow Gutter
                     The  wall  of  a  swimming  pool  shall  be  at  least  1.8  meter  setback  from  all
                     plot limits and from all adjacent structures  (figure -76).  Swimming pool
                     requirements for covered rooftop is specified in section-11 of these regulations.                                  0.20 m.
                     All filters, pumps, chemical feeding apparatus and other mechanical
                     equipment shall be secured and protected by an appropriate enclosure,
                     separate and apart from the enclosure of the swimming pool.

                               ≥ 1.2 m                     Plot Limit
                                                                                                                                  Surface Skimmers
                           ≥ 1.8 m  Setback                                                                               Figure-77   Swimming Pool Systems

                                       Swimming Pool          Gutter Width                          18.5  DEcK AND WALKWAY
                                                                                                         18.5.1   A continuous unobstructed deck or walkway at least 1.2 meter wide
                           ≥ 1.8 m  Setback                                                                     excluding the width of the coping or the interior portion of a gutter
                                                                                                                shall extend completely around swimming pools. The walkway or
                                  Adjacent Structure  ≥ 1.8 m                                                   deck shall be immediately adjacent to the pool (figure -76).
                                                                                                         18.5.2   The deck or walkway shall be constructed in concrete non-slip tile
                                                                                                                or other equally impervious material with a smooth, but non-slip,
                                                                                                                easily cleanable surface.
                      Figure-76   Swimming Pool Setback and Walkway Requirements

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