Page 131 - Building Regulation Design Guidelines - Architecture Book (Blue Code)
P. 131


                15.1  GENERAL REQUIREMENTS                                                                      other vehicles this will depend on vehicle size, road type, speed,
                                                                                                                etc. (figure-4)
                     These street parking requirements are established to provide properly
                     designated  parking  areas adequate in design, capacity and location to             15.1.8   No parking area shall be counted as both required parking stall
                     prevent traffic congestion and avoid hazards to the public’s safety and                    and a loading space.
                                                                                                         15.1.9   No vehicles access from alley way (Sikka).
                     15.1.1   Parking areas (covered or uncovered) shall be provided for
                            vehicles within the plot limits.                                             15.1.10  Existence of public light vehicle parking lots in the vicinity of any
                                                                                                                plot shall not exempt such plot from satisfying the car parking
                     15.1.2   In all types of buildings, street parking facilities plan shall                   requirements as specified in accordance with provisions of these
                            be submitted to the Authority for approval in the issuance of                       regulations.
                            building  permits or certificates of occupancy. All plans shall
                            clearly  indicate  the  proposed  development,  including  parking           15.1.11  The minimum width of car entry and internal roads shall be:
                            location, size, design, numbering, traffic direction, lighting,                     a)  3.0 meters width clear un-obstructed road or pavement in
                            landscaping, curb cuts, ingress and egress, traffic rules and                          case of one-way traffic.
                                                                                                                b)  6.0 meters width clear un-obstructed road or pavement in
                     15.1.3   Any deletion or other changes made to the parking lot plan shall                     case of two-way traffic.
                            be reviewed and be approved by the Authority prior to work
                            commencement.                                                                       c)  In the case of small plots or plots with exceptionally difficult
                                                                                                                   technical circumstances, the competent Authority may
                     15.1.4   The Authority may request a Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) for                      accept 3.0 meters way for both entry and exit of cars after
                            some developments, which may have an impact on the traffic                             providing traffic signals and traffic electronic control system
                            generation for the surrounding roads and properties, such                              and fulfilling all requirements of the Authority.
                            as special projects, commercial shopping malls, parking for
                            monorail stations and mixed use buildings.                                   15.1.12  All parking areas shall be permanently maintained in a safe,
                                                                                                                clean and good condition free of physical obstructions. All areas
                     15.1.5   In case a plot is between the main road and the secondary road,                   including landscaping shall be kept free of trash and weeds.
                            entry and exit from the car parking lots shall be located only at
                            the secondary road or as specified by the Authority. (figure-4)              15.1.13  All parking areas shall be paved and sloped (maximum to 2 %),
                                                                                                                to drain to a public road.
                     15.1.6   Location of car parking entry or exit shall be far away from any
                            traffic intersections depending on road type, vehicle type, etc..            15.1.14  All parking areas shall be provided with exterior lighting for the
                            and to be approved by the Authority. In case of individual roads                    surface area. Lighting shall be designed, arranged and installed
                            forming T junction, location of car parking entry or exit shall not                 so as to confine direct rays on to the premises and to direct light
                            be opposite the intersections. (figure-5)                                           away  from adjacent  structures,  premises  or streets.  Lighting
                                                                                                                fixtures should be of an energy saving type.
                     15.1.7   vehicles parking entry and exist shall be away from the end of
                            the road chamfer by at least 15.0 meters for light vehicles and for

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