Page 60 - Building Regulation Design Guidelines - Architecture Book (Blue Code)
P. 60


 The  developer shall  provide  perimeter fencing  to  define the  boundary of the   2)  Access openings through fences shall be equipped with gates which
 property and to provide the degree of security and privacy that is consistent with   shall be kept closed and locked when the site is unattended and
 the building type.      maintained in place until completion of the construction or demolition
 7.1   The construction shall be within the plot limits.
                     3)  The fence height, materials and details shall be as per the DCR of the
 7.2   The fence height to be measured from adjacent road edge level or adjacent   related business unit.
 plot level. (figure-13)
                7.6   In all cases for the placement, construction and/or the removal of a
 Fence               fence, the developer shall coordinate with the Authority at the start of the
 Fence  Adjacent  7.7   Necessary  earth  retaining  structures  and  proper  measures  to  prevent
 H  Road
 Level               discharge of surface drainage to adjoining plots shall be provided along
 Adjacent  H         with the plot boundary when required, and to suit the site conditions, for
 Plot Level          the approval of the Authority. (figure-14)

 Figure-13   Fencing Height (H) Measurement
                                                          High Level

 7.3   The permanent fence height for different building types as follows:

 1)  Residential: The residential buildings and villas shall not exceed 3.0

 2)  Industrial and Commercial: shall not exceed 2.4 meters.
                                      Low Level
 3)  Public Playgrounds, Parks, Play Areas and Agricultural Uses: An open
 mesh or chain like fences shall not exceed 3.5 meters except for
 special purpose requirement (like tennis court) at the discretion of
 the Authority.

 7.4   Fence height, materials and details shall be as per the DCR of the related   Figure-14   Earth Retaining Structures
 business unit.

 7.5   Temporary fence for construction sites

 1)  Fence shall have a reasonably smooth surface facing the public way
 and shall be without openings, except those required for access.

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