Page 55 - Building Regulation Design Guidelines - Architecture Book (Blue Code)
P. 55


                    6.3.3  In this case, if the ground floor is entirely for commercial use, this       6.3.7  The minimum setback for industrial types (within one
                          setback for the ground floor must be at least 3.0 meters from the                   development) between two main buildings shall be 3.0 meters.
                          rear and sideline of the adjacent buildings, if adjacent activities are             ( figure-12)
                          non-commercial type until instructed differently elsewhere.
                                                                                                              Plot Limit         Adjacent Plot         Plot Limit
                    6.3.4  No construction works shall be permitted in the setback area for all
                          building types, except for power transformers, pergolas, uncovered
                          parking  areas  and  the  projected  elements,  in  accordance  with                                 S ≥ 5.5 m
                          section - 10 and related business unit DCR.
                    6.3.5  In Free Zone Districts the minimum setback for industrial type shall
                          be 5.5 meters from all plot limits.
                          For other business units and developments, the setback shall be as                      S ≥ 5.5 m
                          per the DCR of the related business unit.                                                                                S ≥ 5.5 m
                                                                                                                                 Main Building
                    6.3.6  The minimum setback (within one development) between two
                          main buildings to be equal to set back between the two buildings
                          and adjacent plots with exception to industrial buildings.
                          (figure -11)                                                                          Adjacent Plot           ≥ 3.0 m              Adjacent Plot

                                Plot limit    Adjacent Plot    Plot limit

                                                                                                                                 Main Building

                                     S                         S
                                              Main Building                                                                                                  Substation
                                 Adjacent Plot   S                  Adjacent Plot                                         S ≥ 5.5 m    S1 ≥ 3.0 m   Annex

                                     S                         S                                              Plot Limit            Road               Plot Limit
                                              Main Building
                                                                                                                 Figure-12  Building Setback (S) in Industrial Districts

                                                                                                        6.3.8  The minimum setback (within one development) between the main
                                Plot limit       Road          Plot limit                                     building and any annex shall be 3.0 meters.

                                 S = Setback as per the DCR of related Business Unit
                          Figure-11   Setback (S) for All Building Types except Industrial
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