Page 61 - Building Regulation and Design Guidelines - Structural (Grey Code)
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10. All flange braces for rigid column frames shall be fixed to side wall grade, reinforcement, sheet profile and sheet design data from the
girts before constructing the exterior block work. profile manufacturer.
11. Bracing shall not be removed and shall remain intact through out 25. Purlin detail shall include data sheets with properties and design
the life of the building. data from the purlin manufacturer.
12. Crane supplier’s data sheets shall be provided for crane design 26. All joint details and layout of joints for expansions and contraction
and drawings. joints, control joints, construction joints etc. shall be provided.
13. Protective coating to structural steel shall be done at workshop 27. General structural steel notes showing the grades of steel and
and the required thickness shall be 240-270 microns. material properties, codes adopted in design, loadings considered,
typical details, fabrication, erection tolerances, painting and all
14. In cases where the foundations are designed by the main other required specifications for the project shall be provided.
consultant and steel superstructure is designed by steel specialist
contractors, the consultant’s submission shall include design and 28. Drawings shall contain end gable view of the steel structural frames.
details of Anchor bolts with the bolt grade, diameter and the length 29. All internal columns shall be protected with encasement or
along with the foundation design and details.
protection bollard to avoid accidental damage to the structure.
15. All steel member bolted connections in the drawing shall show the
bolt grade, diameter and length. All Bolt length shall be checked 30. Soakpits (if required) shall be located away from the main structures
for end plate thickness, washer, nuts, threading projection beyond and foundations such that the soil strata below the foundations are
not disturbed at any stage during or after construction.
nut etc.
16. Welded connection details shall include the type of welds,
thickness, length etc. indicated by the standard welding symbols.
17. All internal partitions shall be designed for internal critical wind
pressures coefficients.
18. Drawings shall include cross sections for the steel column fixing to
the pedestal.
19. Pedestal sizes shall include provision for RCC columns/wall
stiffeners if present, base plate size with clearance (to avoid
overlapping of reinforcement and anchor bolts details etc) and
grouting details.
20. Roof gutters shall be properly designed and detailed and the
necessary calculations shall be submitted.
21. All foundation levels in CED-JAFZA/DM datum shall be mentioned
clearly in the drawing as per soil report recommendations.
22. Maximum distance between the bolts in any connection shall be
limited to 350mm or shall be provided with stiffener plates.
23. Loading diagram for all floors and roofs including dead, imposed,
collateral, crane loads etc. shall be provided.
24. Composite deck slab details shall include concrete thickness and
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