Page 56 - Dubai Universal Design Code
P. 56

11. Buttons shall be located at a height between 900 mm and 1200 mm. They shall
                   present high-embossed European numerals. Braille numerals shall be located on the
                   left lower side of each button.

               12. For elevators serving a large number of floors, a keypad shall be installed at a
                   maximum height of 1200 mm to ensure that all floors can be called.

               13. The button to reach the exit floor (usually ground floor) shall be raised at least 3 mm
                   from the other buttons and be circled with a green line at least 2 mm wide.

               14. Call buttons in each floor can contain icons instead of digits in tactile and colour
                   contrasted against the background.

               15. Buttons shall always provide a two-channel feedback when pressed: visual and
                   acoustic or visual and tactile. Touch buttons and touch screens are not permitted.

                    Figure 27. Example of buttons path           Figure 28. Example of a keypad with
                                                                      raised dot in number 5 key

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