Page 168 - Dubai Universal Design Code
P. 168
4. Print shall be in large 14 pt sans serif fonts, and in Braille if required.
5. Telephones shall be accessible in audio, and be compatible with hearing aids. Text
options should be available for people who are deaf.
8.3. Maps
1. Maps shall be in high colour contrast, non-glare, with a minimum of 14 pt fonts and
sans serif characters.
2. Red and green colours shall be avoided.
8.4. Terms of carriage
Terms of carriage should include:
1. Size of parcel/luggage allowed on-board vehicles:
• First piece: Length 810 mm; Width 580 mm; Height 300 mm,
• Second piece: Length 550 mm; Width 380 mm; Height 200 mm.
2. Service animals and comfort animals are allowed.
3. Allergy considerations shall be observed.
4. Non-smoking policy shall be applied in all vehicles and stations.
5. No food consumption is allowed in vehicles.
6. Use of cell phone and other electronic devices (MP3, etc.) on-board vehicles and in
stations can be used only if the privacy of fellow passengers is observed.
8.5. Fare structure & ticketing
1. The universal accessible fare structure shall be based on a two for one fare policy,
and discount rates for travellers with disabilities.
2. The provider shall issue a certificate on eligibility.
3. The same discount rates shall apply to foreign visitors with disabilities.