Page 167 - Dubai Universal Design Code
P. 167
Section C – Accessible Transport
8. Planning before the trip
Trip planning is the first step in the travel chain. Before starting a trip, a traveller needs
to acquire all the necessary information from origin (O) to destination (D) in order to
complete a timely, convenient, comfortable and safe journey in three stages:
• Before starting a trip
• During the trip, and
• Ending the trip (exit and arrival)
To meet the requirements of persons with functional limitations a variety of information
and communication shall be conveyed in various media: print in text or symbols, audio,
visual, haptic, touch and data conversion formats.
The necessary information includes identifying where to obtain information, reading the
information, identifying the travel route and mode of transport, the frequency and level
of service, the number of transfers encountered, the costs and method of fare payment,
baggage handling, security screening, and landmark identification.
Travel information is essential for all travellers, in particular for persons with vision,
hearing and intellectual disabilities. Alternative formats in audio, visual and tactile are
required to address their requirements.
8.1. Accessible websites
All websites that provide information to travellers shall comply with the international web
access AA level of W3C standards.
8.2. Apps for accessibility
1. Apps shall be easily usable by residents and visitors, for persons who are blind in
audio and tactile formats, with font enlargement for vision impaired; in text format for
persons who are deaf/hearing impaired, and in audio, symbol and text formats for
persons with intellectual impairments.
2. All applications that provide information to travellers shall comply with the
international web access AA level of W3C standards.
3. All applications shall be available in different languages and symbols.