Page 223 - Building Regulation Design Guidelines - Architecture Book (Blue Code)
P. 223
21.1 WATER SUPPLY TANKS 21.2.7 If the tanks are made of reinforced concrete and non-porous
material, a minimum distance 1.0 meter shall be provided from
21.1.1 Water supply tanks and installations shall comply with the adjacent building and fence. If it is made of block work or
the Authority‘s relevant code. brick, a minimum distance of 3.0 meters shall be provided with a
21.1.2 Water supply tanks shall be provided with lockable inspection minimum depth of 1.5 meter from the level of the bottom surface
openings of adequate size for cleaning process. Openings shall of the pipe connected to the inlet.
be located away from the direct day to day movements and
sources of contamination, and shall be positioned higher than
the floor level. 21.3 PLUMBING WORKS
21.1.3 Design of tank shall take into consideration that the tank 21.3.1 Plumbing works shall comply with the Authority‘s relevant code.
shall be free from sharp corners that may accumulate dirt or
prevent thorough cleaning. 21.3.2 An inspection chamber shall be fitted at each point where the
direction of drainage pipes changes or at which the degree
21.1.4 Location of water supply tanks shall be chosen as far as possible of slope changes or at the junction of a branch and main line.
from drainage network lines, inspection chambers, septic tanks Distance between any two successive inspection holes shall not
and soak ways. In all cases, drainage pipe lines shall not be exceed 15.0 meters.
permitted to run above or next to water tanks in case such tanks
are fitted underground. 21.3.3 No inspection chambers shall be constructed inside roofed
buildings except in shafts, service rooms, car sheds and
adequately ventilated corridors. Such chambers shall be of
21.2 SEPTIc TANKS dry type. Drainage pipes that extend underneath the flooring
and inside walls shall be protected from any external works or
21.2.1 Septic tanks shall comply with the Authority‘s relevant code.
against settlement of floors.
21.2.2 Septic tanks shall be within the plot limits.
21.3.4 All inspection chambers shall be dug within the plot limits.
21.2.3 Septic tanks shall be located close to the approach road or
alleyway and distanced from the main building and the adjacent 21.3.5 All basement levels shall be provided with appropriate means
buildings to the plot. Location shall be subject to approval by the and ways for drainage and filtration of water such as sand
Authority and should be capable of being connected in future separation rooms, pumps, grease traps, etc.
with the public drainage network.
21.2.4 Septic tank ceiling shall be made of reinforced concrete in order 21.4 RAINWATER DRAINAGE
to withstand the load of vehicle traffic if necessary.
21.4.1 Rainwater drainage shall comply with Authority’s relevant code.
21.2.5 Tanks shall have an opening of adequate size with a heavy duty
lockable cover and top surface of the cover shall not rise above 21.4.2 The system for carrying rainwater from a roof shall be adequate.
the finished ground level of the site in which it is situated. The system shall carry the flow to an outlet to minimize the risk of
21.2.6 Septic tanks shall be accessible for cleaning, maintenance blockage or leakage and be accessible for cleaning blockages.
and evacuating process.
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