Page 93 - Dubai Universal Design Code
P. 93
7. When the street is exclusively or mainly designed for pedestrians all areas
between buildings or lots shall be level. In these cases, the path shall present the
described characteristics and all kinds of vehicles shall have their speed limited
to 10 Km/h. A physical speed-calming element shall be installed at all entrances
to the area.
8. Benches or places to sit shall be designed according to section 5.22.2. In the
exterior environment, they shall be placed in the urban furniture zone at least
every 100 m. In large buildings like shopping malls, they shall be placed out of
the accessible path at least every 50 m. Benches with and without arms should
be provided to accommodate people of various sizes.
9. Shaded zones shall be provided at least every 50 m. Fully shaded walking
zones can be achieved by means of a retracted façades or pergolas.
10. Street names shall be displayed at all crossing following the specifications of
section D for information panels. Additionally, it is recommended to provide this
information by audio via an accessible mobile application.
11. Information about the location of the nearest public transport, public toilets and
interest points within the community shall be installed at least every two
crossings following the requirements of section D for information panels.
Additionally, it is recommended to provide this information by audio via an
accessible mobile application.
12. Public toilets should be installed near the accessible walking path, if there are no
toilets for public use within 400 m.
13. Bus shelters, signals, fountains and other urban furniture installed in the vicinity
shall follow the design criteria contained in this Code.
14. When a cycling path cannot be installed in a separate strip between the urban
furniture area and the curb, it is permissible to locate it between the urban
furniture area and the accessible pedestrian path. They should be divided by a
pavement strip of at least 300 mm width with a contrast of at least 30 points LRV
(Light Reflectance Value) or by an easily perceptible texture change.
15. In accessible paths in the vicinity of park entrances, along the public beaches,
near tourist attraction points, in shopping malls and in other places considered
appropriate, electric mobility devices chargers with an interaction space shall be