Page 174 - Dubai Universal Design Code
P. 174

2.  Clear horizontal door openings shall be a minimum of 900 mm, to accommodate
                   persons with powered and non-powered mobility aids, persons with tandem prams,
                   and persons with large luggage. This applies to single and multiple leaf doors.

               3.  Handrails with contrasting colors shall be positioned on each side of the door inside
                   the bus when the door is open, without interfering with the clear width of 850 mm of
                   the door. Doors shall have color contrast with their surroundings. Doors shall
                   automatically open when detecting a person or obstacle in the doorway.

               4.  Audible warnings shall be provided to announce the opening and closing of vehicle
                   doors, which will be especially helpful for passengers who are blind or have reduced
                   vision. All passengers benefit from this assistance.

               9.2.2.      Ramp

               A ramp shall be positioned at the door for the passengers with functional limitations and
               those using a wheelchair in order to board/alight the bus.

               If the bus would be provided with power operated ramps (sliding or swing-out) they shall
               comply with the following requirements:

               1.   Have interlock devices (only operable when vehicle brakes are applied), emergency
                   override, and supervised operation by the driver.

               2.  If the ramp is powered, it shall be operated by the driver from his position.

               3.  An audio warning signal shall be applied when deploying and retrieving the ramp.

               4.  Ramps shall have a maximum gradient of 1:12 measured from a level sidewalk
                   surface to the ramp’s intersection with the floor of the bus.

               5.  The ramp width shall be a minimum of 900 mm.

               6.  The payload shall be 350 kg.

               7.  The ramp shall have an anti-slip surface. The ramp shall have a raised lip of at least
                   50 mm along its sides to prevent people from wheeling off the ramp.

               9.2.3.      Parking

               Driver shall park the bus close to the curb not to exceed 700 mm, to enable the proper
               deployment of the ramp.

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