Page 21 - Dubai Universal Design Code
P. 21
4. Definitions
1. Accessible path of travel
Allows a continuous and barrier free movement, with the combination of built elements
that guarantee anyone can enter, move, use, exit, orient themselves and communicate
autonomously and comfortably both in the public space, and around and inside the
2. Accessibility
Accessibility include eases of independent approach, entry, evacuation, and/or use of a
building and its services and facilities, by all of the building’s potential users, regardless
of disability, age or gender with an assurance of individual health, safety and welfare
during the course of those activities.
3. Built Environment
External and internal environments and any element, component or fitting that is
commissioned, designed, constructed and managed for use by people.
4. Clear headroom
Free unobstructed vertical space to allow proper and safe passage.
5. Clear width
Free unobstructed space for access through a doorway, passage, stair, ramp, walkway,
6. Colour Blindness
The most common form of colour blindness is red/green deficiencies in which shades of
grey are generally detected in place of red and green. This should be considered when
using colour coding or coloured text.
7. Curb Ramp
Construction in the form of an inclined plane that makes it possible to pass from street
level to a higher accessible pedestrian path.