Page 157 - Dubai Universal Design Code
P. 157
Multi-storey buildings shall have an elevator to create an accessible path from the
outside to the entrance of each residence.
7.19.2. Required accessibility in new housing buildings
The following dimensions and characteristics provides better quality of life for tenants
and allow a low-cost conversion of any house to be accessible in the future if one of the
tenants or family members has a disability.
These dimensions are compulsory for all new housing buildings:
1. The entrance and internals doors shall provide a free passage of at least 900 mm.
2. Wall mounted switches shall be between 900 mm and 1200 mm and be located a
minimum of 600 mm from any corner.
3. Corridor width shall be at least 1000 mm and 1500 mm in direction changes.
4. Manoeuvring space inside kitchen, bathroom, living room and one bedroom shall be
at least 1200 mm free of door openings and fixed elements, and 1500 mm where
turning is required.
5. The bathroom shall contain at least a bathtub or roll-in shower, sink and toilet.
6. In houses with more than one level, at least the kitchen, one bathroom and one
living room or bedroom shall be accessible from the entrance door.
7. Interior stairs width shall be at least 1100 mm wide.