Page 118 - Dubai Universal Design Code
P. 118

Accessible parking places shall meet the following technical requirements:

               1.  Accessible parking places should be located as near as possible to facilities such as:
                   hospitals, clinics, schools, museums, cinemas, theatres, cultural centres and
                   shopping malls and near access to beaches, parks, gardens and squares.

               2.  They shall be located as close as possible and no more than 50 meters from the
                   building entrance. They should be located next to an accessible pedestrian path, to
                   ensure access to the sidewalk from the road or they should provide an accessible
                   curb ramp exclusively for each accessible parking place. A single curb ramp may be
                   shared by two parking places.

               3.  The minimum dimensions for the accessible parking place shall be 2600 mm x 5500
                   mm for angled parking schemes and 2600 mm x 6000 mm for parking places along
                   the sidewalk. For cases where accessible vans park frequently, the dimensions
                   should be adapted to the vehicle size.

               4.  Accessible parking places shall have a lateral access aisle to allow for approach and
                   transfer from the driver’s side for angled parking schemes, and a rear access aisle if
                   parking places are along a sidewalk. These access aisles shall be at least 1200 mm
                   wide. They shall connect to an accessible path.

               5.  They shall be properly marked with the international symbol of access, painted on
                   the ground and on a signpost. This sign should be easily visible from the driving
                   position and mounted at a height of 2200 mm.

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